Announcing the Full Schedule for 22nd Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy!

The wait is over! We’re excited to unveil the complete schedule for the conference! Whether you’re eager to attend groundbreaking keynote sessions, engaging panel discussions, or hands-on workshops, we’ve curated an exceptional program designed to inspire and inform. What’s in Store: 🔹 Keynote Speakers – Insights from top industry leaders.🔹 Panel Discussions – In-depth conversations…

Prof. dr Duško Bjelica, redovni profesor UCG i član Vijeća Fakulteta za sport i fizičko vaspitanje: Popoviću, studenti su budni, a Vi vagate na terazijama

Ničim izazvan, a u potrazi za sopstvenim alibijem, jer nije podržao da u dnevni red uđe jedna od dvije predložene tačke, koja se konkretno tiče podrške studentskoj grupi Kamo Sutra, pročitah sa zakašnjenjem reagovanje Steva Popovića u vezi sa dešavanjima na Vijeću Fakulteta za sport i fizičko vaspitanje. Iako ga niko nije prozivao, on se oglasi  i ništa ne…

Renowned Partners and Keynote Speakers at the Conference of the Montenegrin Sports Academy

The 22nd Diamond Scientific Conference CSA: Sport, Physical Activity, and Health – Contemporary Perspectives ASSEMBLING THE WORLD’S ELITE IN SPORTS SCIENCE Prof. Dr. Duško Bjelica, President of the Montenegrin Sports Academy (CSA) from Podgorica, announced that partnership agreements have been signed for the organization of the 22nd Diamond Scientific Conference in Cavtat with seven higher…

Poznati partneri I plenarni predavači na konferenciji  Crnogorske sportske akademije

Dijamantski 22 – i naučni skup CSA : Sport , fizička aktivnost i zdravlje – savremene perspektive OKUPLJENA  SVJETSKA ELITA SPORTSKIH NAUKA Prof. dr  Duško Bjelica , predsjednik  Crnogorske sportske akademije (CSA) iz Podgorice saopštio je da su potpisali sporazume o partnerstvu za organizaciju 22-e dijamntske naučne konferencije u Cavtatu sa sedam viskoškolskih i naučnih…

Meet Our Distinguished Invited Speakers

We’re excited to announce an incredible opportunity to connect with some of the most distinguished professionals in kinesiology, sports studies, and physical education at our upcoming conference in April. This event will bring together innovative thinkers, researchers, and educators from around the world to share their knowledge and spark meaningful discussions about the future of…